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Mr. H. B. had pain in his right shoulder in July 1934. In August, he threw a ball and the pain became severe thereafter. He went to the Univer­sity of Michigan Hospital for care. Radiographs showed a destructive involvement of the upper half of the humerus, the scapula, and clavicle. There was a tumor behind the scapula the size of half an orange and a smaller one of the same consistency near the spine. Biopsy, blood, and urine, analysis ruled out all conditions as giant cell sarcoma, Paget’s disease, multiple myeloma, etc., and both the soft tissue tumor and the invaded bone showed it to be an endothelial cell sarcoma, a spindle cell hemangiosarcoma. This is a slow growing neoplasm, but always fatal according to Ewing and other experts. One can contrast the pathogenesis and recovery rates here with those of the former case.


He was given a hopeless prognosis at the University of Michigan Hospital. The findings of the University Hospital experts were confirmed. He was given the Reduction Reagent intramuscularly, two millionths of a microgram on September 17, 1934. The recovery reactions did not appear until the twenty-fourth and thirty-sixth week after the Treatment. These were fever, greater sensitive­ness and grippiness, which lasted from three to four days each. The general health returned and the arm became useful again and normal. Radiographs taken in August 1942, showed complete healing of the lesions with denser bone than is normal. It is to be noted in this case, that the disease is one characterized by decalcification of the bone; the reversal of the pathogenesis shows an intense re-calcification of all the reconstructed bone tissue. This situation should be compared with the healing of bone destroyed by gangrenous diabetes where normal bone structure is restored, but the bone tissue itself, is not greatly denser than the normal bone. It is the actual pathogenesis that is reversed. He remained cured for over a decade and was lost track of in 1948, when the writer left the United States for work on viral diseases in Brazil. It is seen that the rules of recovery hold here with the Reducing Agent as are seen in recoveries obtained by the Oxidation Reagent.


Radiograph II, showing condition after full recovery.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-23 | Просмотры: 578 | Нарушение авторских прав

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